Each of the accredited brands of the world uses a unique audio identity to introduce itself; an identity that indicates combination of sound and music, a sound which can remain in the mind as a durable memory over time. For this purpose, enjoying the expertise and hiring creative and experienced manpower give meaning to this issue.
Enjoying professional and updated facilities and equipment plus 6 separate studios, sound and music department of KANOON IRAN NOVIN works in the fields of mix and master, sounding, dubbing and composing studios.
Musical production in different genres, sounding for films and TV series, composing soundtracks for teasers and movies, dubbing teasers, films and animations, design of jingle songs, production of podcasts, radio teasers, sounding for teasers and films are some of the activities of this complex.
The position of professional sound, role of sounding and effect of music composition in the world advertising cannot be denied. We at KANOON IRAN NOVIN have achieved top standards of the world in this field.